Prof. Edouard Bugnion
INN 237 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 47 07
[email protected]
Edouard Bugnion joined EPFL in 2012, where his focus is on datacenter systems. His areas of interest include operating systems, datacenter infrastructure (systems and networking), and computer architecture.
Before joining EPFL, Edouard spent 18 years in the US, where he studied at Stanford and co-founded two startups: VMware and Nuova Systems (acquired by Cisco). At VMware from 1998 until 2005, he played many roles including CTO. At Nuova/Cisco from 2005 until 2011, he helped build the core engineering team and became the VP/CTO of Cisco’s Server, Access, and Virtualization Technology Group, a group that brought to market Cisco’s Unified Computing System (UCS) platform for virtualized datacenters.
Together with his colleagues, he received the ACM Software System Award for VMware 1.0 in 2009. His paper “Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors” received a Best Paper Award at SOSP ’97 and was entered into the ACM SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award in 2008. At EPFL, he received Best Paper Award from OSDI 2014 (IX) and Eurosys 2020 (HoverCraft).
Prof. Bugnion is a Fellow of the ACM and a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW).

Konstantinos Prasopoulos
INN 231 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 40 16
[email protected]
Konstantinos Prasopoulos received his M.Sc from EPFL in February 2020. He is interested in data center operating systems and networks and is now a third-year PhD student at DCSL.
Konstantinos’ PhD studies are co-directed by Prof. Edouard Bugnion and Prof. Marios Kogias at Imperial College London.

Charly Castes
INN 235 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 40 16
[email protected]
Charly Castes received his M.Sc from EPFL as well as his Engineering degree for the École Polytechnique, l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris (l’X) in September 2021. Charly is now a second-year PhD student at DCSL and he is researching software-based trusted execution enviornments.

Neelu Kalani
INN 235 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 40 16
[email protected]
Neelu Kalani received her MS (by Research) from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in August 2021. Neelu is now a 2nd year PhD student at DCSL where she researching customisable trusted execution environments.

Rui Yang
INN 231 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 40 16
[email protected]
Rui received her Master’s degree in Computer Science from University of California, San Diego and Bachelor’s degree in Information Engineering from Southeast University. During her master studies, she was also a graduate student researcher at CAIDA advised by Dr. Ricky Mok and Prof. kc claffy. Rui is a first-year EDIC PhD student currently doing her rotation at DCSL.

YuChen Qian
INN 235 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 40 16
[email protected]
YuChen received his M.Sc from EPFL in August 2022 and his B.Sc from the University of Waterloo in August 2020. YuChen is now a first-year EDIC PhD student doing his rotation at DCSL and he is interested in data center operating systems and networks.

Boris Pismenny
INN 231 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 40 16
[email protected]
Dr. Boris Pismenny joined the DCSL laboratory as a Postdoctoral Fellow in January 2024. He also works at NVIDIA as a software architect.

Margaret Church
EPFL IC DCSL – Administration & Web
INN 236 (Bâtiment INN) – Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne – Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 79 97
[email protected]