Sinergia Team


Prof. Luisa Lambertini

 Luisa Lambertini is Full Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), where she holds the Chair of International Finance.

Professor Lambertini’s research is in international finance, open-economy macroeconomics and political economy. She studies how monetary and fiscal policies affect the economy, how they interact and how they can be used to achieve good economic outcomes and improve social welfare.

Personal webpage




Other Researchers:

Chiara Forlati (post-doctoral fellow)

Pinar Uysal (post-doctoral fellow)

Serhiy Stepanchuk (post-doctoral fellow)

Victoria Nuguer (PhD student)

Abhik Mukherjee (PhD student)

Corinne Dubois (PhD student)



Prof. Philippe Bacchetta

Philippe Bacchetta is professor of macroeconomics at the University of Lausanne, president of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, and a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, London). 

His research interests include open economy macroeconomics, international finance, financial crises, and monetary economics.

Personal webpage





Other Researchers:

Mathias Thoenig (Professor)

Pascal St-Amour (Professor)

Céline Poilly (Assistant Professor)

Kenza Benhima (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor)

Marnix Amand (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor)

Isabella Blengini (Post-doctoral fellow)

Luis Bryce (Post-doctoral fellow)

Francesco Pappada (Post-doctoral fellow)

Baptiste Massenot (Post-doctoral fellow)

Veronica Preotu (PhD student)

Maude Lavanchy (PhD Student)

Jessica Leutert (PhD Student)

Andreas Waelchli (PhD student)

Louis Signé (PhD student)

Antonio Salazar (PhD student)

Rachel Cordonnier (PhD student)




Prof. Cédric Tille

Cédric Tille is professor of economics and chair of the Economics section at the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva since 2007. He is also member of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank.

His research interest include Macroeconomics and International Finance.


Personal webpage




Other Researchers:

Prof. Marc Flandreau

Prof. Mathias Hoffman

Yi Huang (Assistant Professor)

Rahul Mukherjee (Assistant Professor)

Matthieu Chavaz (PhD student)

Filippo Gori (PhD student)

Joanna Kinga Slawatyniec (Research Assistant)