Self-Wake-Up Device for Therapeutic Compounds on Human Skin

The technical field of the project relates to biosensors, such as wireless and battery-free sensors, for Remote Monitoring of Therapeutics Compound directly on Human Skin.

Taking advantage of their wireless communication capability, biosensors for measures on the skin may be integrated in wearable patches for drug-delivery with capability of self-wake up functions to transmit to mobile personal electronics (e.g. a mobile phone) a single related to the realised therapeutic drugs. This might be of special impact in those diseases where the drugs release has to be carefully monitored, like in schizophrenia as well as in chemotherapy.

Project Description:

In this context, solutions are desirable wherein a Human Metabolism monitoring by detection on the skin, and including functions of energy scavenging as well as measurement functionality to the specific molecular target (e.g. anti-cancer compounds).

This suggests exploring the feasibility of a measurement system with self-wake-up capability, with the following characteristics:

  • Battery-free, as it is self‑sustained, from the energy point of view, by harvesting the energy developed during the drugs release.
  • Has a time-domain readout of the measurements, able to transmit the information (concentration of the drug) through an Internet of Things (IoT) approach.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Basic knowledge on sensors
  • Basic knowledge of electronics
  • Basic knowledge of simulations/modelling systems (e.g., MatLab, C-programming)
  • Interest, Motivation, and Commitment to the project


Baj-Rossi, C., Micheli, G. D., & Carrara, S. (2012). Electrochemical detection of anti-breast-cancer agents in human serum by cytochrome P450-coated carbon nanotubes. Sensors, 12(5), 6520-6537: