BCI Media News Two cortical prosthetics technologies receive enable grants An award to Miniaturised CMOS Current Driver for Wireless Biphasic Intracortical Neurostimulation New Vice President Publications for the IEEE Sensors Council Vers une anesthésie personnalisée Moving one step closer to personalized anesthesia New device to continually measure the blood concentration of propofol New system can measure propofol concentration in patient’s blood during surgery Nouvelle étape vers une anesthésie personnalisée Sandro Carrara reappointed editor-in-chief of the IEEE Sensors Journal En Suisse, quel avenir pour les puces sous la peau? Sandro Carrara Featured as author by IEEE IoT SmartWatch-based System for Intensive Care Monitoring: Live Demo at BioCAS Tracking cancer-cell development with “drinkable” electronic sensors Connected medical devices @ ISCAS Smartwatches connect intensive care doctors and their patients Smartwatches Connect Intensive Care Doctors And Their Patients Smartwatches connect intensive care doctors and their patients The Next Generation Of Wearables: Sensors Under Your Skin IEEE_SC_SummerSchool-2016Download A tiny wire with a memory to diagnose cancer Biosensor Allows for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Four members of the School of Engineering are named IEEE Fellow New CASS Fellows Sandro Carrara named 2016 IEEE Fellow Biosensor chips aid drug development Pierre Fabre deploys biosensors to enrich clinical trial data Pierre Fabre to use implantable biosensor chips in schizophrenia trial Monitoring critical blood levels in real time in the ICU Miniature biomed device for measuring blood levels EPFL unveils 3D printed miniature microfluidic device for monitoring critical blood levels Miniaturized Microfluidic Device Helps Monitor Critical Blood Levels in Real Time Monitoring critical blood levels in real time in the ICU A chip placed under the skin for more precise medicine A subcutaneous biosensor chip to revolutionize tomorrow’s medicine RFID chips: a key to more or less freedom? Tiny Biosensor Implant Can Analyse Blood Without The Need For Needles Chip under skin for precise drug screening Chip under skin for precise drug screening Implantable Bio-sensor Chip can Monitor Drug, Blood and Send Data to Smartphone Implantable Bio-sensor Chip can Monitor Drug, Blood and Send Data to Smartphone A Tiny Laboratory under the Skin (video) i-Needle: Detecting the biological mechanisms of acupuncture i-Needle: A New Way of Looking at the Biological and Chemical Effects of Acupuncture Worldwide experts in Lausanne on circuits for biomedicalDownload BioCAS 2014 10-Year Anniversary (video – the worldwide history of the BioCAS conference) In Lausanne 2014: Environmental Impact of Circuits and Systems Tiny lab under the skin could stop drug cheats Under the skin’ blood-testing device developed Science Tiny implantable blood test chip could personalise medicine The medical lab implanted under the skin that can automatically phone a doctor BEFORE you fall ill Now, a device to predict heart attacks Blood Test Implant: Tiny Under-Skin Device Sends Instant Lab Analysis To Your Phone (PHOTO, VIDEO) InterCités – Le développement des puces RFID suscite quelques inquiétudes (radio interview) Des puces et des hommes Une montre pour relier le médecin des soins intensifs à ses patients (radio interview) L’EPFL est aux petits soins avec les urgentistes 2050 Les Labos de l’avenirDownload Des Capteurs sous la peauxDownload Une puce sous la peau en guise de biocapteur L’EPFL crée un minilabo qui s’implante sous la peau Il chip sottocutaneo per una medicina su misura Chip sottopelle, saranno come microscopici laboratori analisi L’infinitamente piccolo Il futuro della nanomedicina (from 20 min. e 35 sec. onward) Ricercatore Finalese in Svizzera lancia un’innovazione medica rivoluzionaria Download Sotto pelle laboratorio analisi sangue Svizzera: arriva il microchip anti doping BCI Home