

As of June 2024, the Boutique EPFL no longer sells scripts, but it is possible to order them by following the instructions below:

Scripts list

Please find here a list of available scripts and their prices: List of scripts (in French only)

If the script your are looking for is not listed, you can contact the course teacher to find out whether it is available on Moodle. You can also suggest they send it to the Print Center to have it printed on a large scale, and make it available on the ordering form for the next semester.

Scripts order

Between 9th September and 2nd October 2024

Order : via this form

Payment: Since payment must be made at the time of ordering, online and via Camipro, it is important to check that your Camipro account is loaded before ordering. 


  • on the date and at the time indicated on the order confirmation (sent by email)
  • in CM 1 453 open from 11am to 2pm from 12th September until 4th October 2024.
  • on presentation of the order confirmation and the Camipro card (no payment at the collection point)

For any question: [email protected]

After 4th October 2024

Order: by sending an email to [email protected], together with this completed order form

Payment: on site, at the time of pick-up. Payments can be done either with your Camipro card or with your bank card.



Scripts Printing

Teachers wishing to print scritps for their students can consult the Print Center web page for instructions :

Instructions for printing scripts