September 20 ‑ December 27, 2018
September 24, 2018
Reading by actresses from La Manufacture
October 11, 2018
tabula rasa/genius loci
Bernard Tschumi
architect, New York
Octobrer 22, 2018
Building Stories
Nadja Maillard
Dre Es Sciences, anthropologist and historian
November 5, 2018
Zvizzera 240: House Tour
Alessandro Bosshard, Li Tavor & Matthew van der Ploeg
architects, Zürich
November 26, 2018
Jane Jacobs Battle for the City documentary
Screening followed by a discussion with Paola Viganò, EPFL professor and Igor Andersen, urbanist at Urbaplan
Saturday 17 Novembre 2018 – 14h to 16h30
Saturday 1st December 2018 – 14h to 16h30
Registration and information:

« En traitant de la question d’échelle, les auteurs interrogent immanquablement la condition humaine, prise entre l’infiniment grand et l’infiniment petit, et questionnent notre manière d’être au monde, de l’habiter, d’y avoir lieu »
Questions d’échelle, Nadja Maillard,Actes Sud, 2018
During the time of the next semester exhibition, Archizoom will be an archipelago hosting a large selection of models made in our studios. What are the sequential roles of the model in the project process? Is it a tool of control, transition, promotion? Is it an object in itself? How do changes in scale occur? What about the dialectic of big and small in the era of big data, BIM and all-digital? These are some of the sub-texts of this focus on ordres de grandeur.
The publication of Questions d’échelle (Nadja Maillard, Actes Sud, 2018), serves as a pre-text for the event, operating as a collection of texts gathered around the theme and some of which will be put in relation with the objects on display. We hope that these fortuitous encounters between literary quotations and models will generate unexpected reflections on the splendours and miseries of the total control of space and time that the model and miniaturization allow. “Without doubt the philosophers are right in saying that nothing is big or small except by comparison”. This sentence, that Swift puts in Gulliver’s mouth, is certainly the invisible core around which the exhibition will be curated, intending to organize its objects between the 1: 1 scale and that of the territory.
Exhibition produced by ARCHIZOOM
Nadja Maillard
Cyril Veillon
Youri Kravtchenko, Bureau YKRA, Genève
Francesco Battaini, bureau YKRA, Genève
Exhibition views