Life is everywhere, even in the most urbanized corners of the campus, or near its rivers. We offer the following thematic walks to discover the links between said nature and engineering. Contact the person organizing the walk that interests you to find a date.
– Walk “Networked nature” with Adélie Garin ([email protected]): On this forest walk around campus, you’ll discover how networks intertwine in nature and in our human lives. We’ll talk maths, trees and systems through our senses. This immersion in the woods will be an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with nature and (re)question our approach to analytical thinking.
Next date open to all: Tuesday November 19th 12.15 to 13.15. Registration form
– Walk “Biomimicry in action” with Michka Mélo ([email protected]): Along the banks of the River Sorge, discover how living things can inspire us to solve technical problems, create works of art and, above all, help us to live well within our planetary limits. Through more precise concepts, you’ll learn to place the notion of biomimicry in several fields of research, while letting yourself be inspired by encounters with living things along the river.
Next date open to all: Tuesday November 26th 12.15 to 13.15. Registration form
– Walk “Ecosystem services provided by trees of the campus” with François Dupuy ([email protected])
By surveying the different phases of campus construction, we’ll see how the place given to vegetation has been taken into account for almost 50 years. We’ll also talk about the ecosystem services provided by urban trees, and what strategies could be proposed to strengthen and enhance our tree heritage.
Next date open to all: Wednesday December 2nd 12.15 to 13.15. Registration form