Hugo Dil studied philosophy for two years (1995-1997) at Radford University in Virginia, financed by a tennis scholarship. After which he returned to the Netherlands to study Applied Physics at the TU Delft, finishing his MSc in 2002.
During this time he also started working at synchrotron light sources which has been a constant factor in his career ever since.
Hugo obtained his PhD from the Fritz Haber Institut of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, performing much of his research at the BESSY synchrotron, but also at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley, California.
He obtained his PhD degree in 2006 at the Freie UniversitÀt Berlin under supervision of Prof. Karsten Horn.
In 2007 he moved to Switzerland to start a post-doctoral position shared between the Paul Scherrer Institut and the group of Prof. JĂŒrg Osterwalder at the University of ZĂŒrich. Here Hugo became responsible for the spin- and angle-resolved photoemission (SARPES) end station at the Swiss Light Source and in 2008 he was promoted to senior research assistant and sub group leader (Oberassistent).
In 2013 his independent research activities were rewarded with an SNSF professorship and he moved to the EPFL to start his own group. The SARPES activities at the Swiss Light Source moved along and Hugo has been sharing his time between Lausanne and Villigen for these years. Since Juli 2020 he is associated with the Laboratory for Topological Matter. In March 2021 Hugo received the title of Adjunct Professor and started leading his group of Spin-Orbit Interaction Spectroscopy (SOIS).
Selected Publications since 2014
- Guedes E.B. et al. “Universal Structural Influence on the 2D Electron Gas at SrTiO3 Surfaces” Advanced Science 2100602 (2021).
- KrempaskĂœ, J. et al. “Triple-Point Fermions in Ferroelectric GeTe”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 206403 (2021)
- Dil, J.H. âFinding Spin Hedgehogs in Chiral Crystalsâ, Physics 13, 45 (2020). Viewpoint
- KrempaskĂœ, J. et al. âFully spin-polarized bulk states in ferroelectric GeTeâ. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013107 (2020).
- Dil, J. H. âSpin- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission on Topological Materialsâ. Electron. Struct. 1, 023001 (2019).
- Weber, A. P. et al. âSpin-Resolved Electronic Response to the Phase Transition in MoTe2â. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 156401 (2018).
- KrempaskĂœ, J. et al. âOperando Imaging of All-Electric Spin Texture Manipulation in Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Rashba Semiconductorsâ. Phys. Rev. X 8, 021067 (2018).
- Muff, S. et al. âObservation of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at CaTiO3 Film Surfacesâ. Applied Surface Science 432, 41 (2018).
- Fanciulli, M. et al. âSpin Polarization and Attosecond Time Delay in Photoemission from Spin Degenerate States of Solidsâ. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 067402 (2017).
- KrempaskĂœ, J. et al. âEntanglement and Manipulation of the Magnetic and SpinâOrbit Order in Multiferroic Rashba Semiconductorsâ. Nature Commun 7, 13071 (2016).
- Lv, B. Q. et al. âObservation of Fermi-Arc Spin Texture in TaAsâ. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 217601 (2015).
- Santander-Syro, A. F. et al. âGiant Spin Splitting of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Surface of SrTiO3â. Nature Materials 13, 1085 (2014).
- Xu, N. et al. âDirect Observation of the Spin Texture in SmB6 as Evidence of the Topological Kondo Insulatorâ. Nature Communications 5, 4566 (2014).
- Landolt, G. et al. âSpin Texture of Bi2Se3 Thin Films in the Quantum Tunneling Limitâ. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 057601 (2014).