Student Projects old version

Project Database

If you would like to perform a project at LAP, choose one among our project database and contact the responsible of the project.

Note that many projects can be taken at different levels (reduced or expanded scope, deeper scientific emphasis or not, etc.). The acceptable levels are indicated just under the title. We at LAP hope that you’ll find something challenging in our lists: we have a very wide selection of topics. If you think you should find something interesting at LAP, and yet there is nothing that you quite like, please don’t hesitate: come and talk to us, and we will try to tailor something which is challenging for you and interesting for us.

Steps for a project at LAP

In addition to the standard EPFL procedure, you have to follow the next steps:

To register to a project:

Come to the secretary’s office (INF136) together with the supervisor.

You will fill an internal form to confirm your registration, and we will assign you to the project on the web application.

Do not forget to register your project on IS-Academia (the LAP internal registration does not replace the registration on IS-Academia).

At the beginning of the project:

You will be told which desk and computer have been assigned to you for the semester.

You will be asked for your weekly availabilities in order to organize intermediary presentations.

Please read the different info on this webpage (general guidelines / practical info / presentations).

At the end of the project:

To do before or just after the presentation (the same day)

Upload the documents related to your project on the “LAP student list” application:

  • presentation,
  • report,
  • abstract, and
  • project data (if too large to upload, consider a CD-R or DVD-R).

Clean up your place station…to make it ready for next student to work!

The grades will be sent to the SAC only when the documents have been attached and the desk has been cleaned up.

Information for Current LAP Project Students

Students beginning their projects at LAP should read carefully end enact the general guidelines. They contain important information about how to prepare their projects, reports and presentations. Please also check the list of deadlines for Semester and Master projects. Here is the MS-Word template for the abstract, to be filled at the end of the project. The page Writing Style of the LAP website contains a couple of useful guideline documents to download.



The dates of the intermediary and final presentations are communicated to the students as soon as possible. Each LAP student is required to attend the whole session, and not only his/her own presentation. In case of unavailability, please inform Paolo Ienne as soon as the date of the presentations is communicated.