Seminars Upcoming Seminars HET seminar17-02-202517-02-2025With: Johan Henriksson (CERN) Place and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsTBD17-03-202517-03-2025With: Nora BrambillaCategory: Conferences – SeminarsTBD14-05-202514-05-2025With: Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)Place and room: BSP 727Online: Conferences – SeminarsSee all events Past seminars Recordings of past seminars Current year Probing reheating with gravitational waves09-12-202409-12-2024With: Mikko LainePlace and room: BSP 727Online: Conferences – SeminarsTBD25-11-202425-11-2024With: Paolo CreminelliOnline: Conferences – SeminarsMinimal areas from entangled matrices18-11-202418-11-2024With: Sean Hartnoll (University of Cambridge)Place and room: BSP 727Online: Conferences – SeminarsGeometry in Scattering Amplitudes11-11-202411-11-2024With: Andreas HelsetPlace and room: BSP 727Online: Conferences – SeminarsSome developments in cosmological correlators14-10-202414-10-2024With: Gui Pimentel (Scuola Normale Superiore)Place and room: BSP 727Online: Conferences – SeminarsNewton Method and Lattice Dilatation Operator in Tensor Network Renormalization Group26-09-202426-09-2024With: Slava Rychkov (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, IHES)Place and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsEntropy in gravitational von Neumann algebras23-09-202423-09-2024With: Antony Speranza (University of Amsterdam)Place and room: BSP 727Online: Conferences – SeminarsThermal False Vacuum Decay Is Not What It Seems24-07-202424-07-2024With: Andrey Shkerin (Perimeter Institute)Place and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsPure 3d gravity and random tensor models02-07-202402-07-2024With: Alex BelinPlace and room: BSP 727Online: Conferences – SeminarsTemporal entanglement and complexity of quantum many-body dynamics16-05-202416-05-2024With: Dmitry AbaninPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsArc spaces, integrals and duality30-04-202430-04-2024With: Dimitri WyssPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – Seminarsde Sitter, anti de Sitter and all that29-04-202429-04-2024With: Ugo MoschellaPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsThe holographic dual of double scaled SYK22-04-202422-04-2024With: Andreas BlommaertPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsWhich data are learnable?16-04-202416-04-2024With: Matthieu WyartPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsQuantum channel capacity for traversable wormhole25-03-202425-03-2024With: zhenbin yangOnline: Conferences – SeminarsTrans-series from condensates18-03-202418-03-2024With: Marcos MariñoPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsPosition space approach to equations for Feynman integrals11-03-202411-03-2024With: Victor MishnyakovPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsThe Regge bootstrap, from linear to non-linear trajectories26-02-202426-02-2024With: Piotr TourkinePlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsSee all events Past years 2023 20222021202020192018201720162015