JDPLS PhD Student representatives

Who are we?

As the JDPLS spans over the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (EPFL and ETH Zurich), we are two Ph.D students just like you, one from each institution.

For EPFL, your representative is Lucas Burget

What do we do?

We have been selected to take care of the following three main tasks:

Represent you

We represent you in:

  1. the JDPLS committee meetings;
  2. doctoral commission meetings; and,
  3. the biannual meeting with the direction of the doctoral school.

In these meetings, we discuss and vote on several topics, such as the program regulations, study plan, introduction of new courses, etc.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the JDPLS doctoral program, or would like to see any particular changes or improvements, please send an email to your representative.

Organize social events

In the coming months, we will organize a few social events to allow you to meet other JDPLS Ph.D. students. Your help is always welcome, by the way.

Mentor/Help you

I am always open to discussion and here to help you if you have any question you’d like to ask. If I don’t have the answer for you, I’ll do my best to help you find them!

If you are struggling with your PhD, workload, lab group or supervisor, or mental health, know that there are a range of resources available to you.

  1. If available to you and if you feel comfortable, your first port-of-call is your supervisor. Open and honest discussions are imperative for a successful PhD.
  2. If this is not an option, we encourage you to email your mentor, who you will have been assigned upon starting your PhD. Contact [email protected] if you can’t remember your mentor.
  3. PolyDoc is the PhD student association for EPFL. They organise social activities, and help to coordinate the Doctoral Program student representatives. Check out their page for up-to-date information. Their page on mental health resources has information on what resources are available to you: go.epfl.ch/polydoc-my-well-being . You can contact them directly at [email protected]
  4. There is a new peer-to-peer counselling program being set up by the EPDA in conjunction with PolyDoc and the Doctoral Program Student Representatives. Check out their website for more information: www.epfl.ch/campus/associations/list/epda/programmes/well-beingprogramme/ peer2peer-counseling-center/