Photo contest winners

With 27 amazing and original contributions, the choice at EPFL-Valais was all but easy. In the end, 3 winners had to be chosen at a very tight competition.

Cheng Liu, with his Perovskite Lindt chocolates, was the great winner of the 2nd PolyValais photo contest, taking an Ipad home for his amazing contribution. Cheng is developing his work in the group of prof. Nazeeruddin on the developing of Perovskite solar cells.

Mo Li got the 2nd place and a GoPro 9 with an amazing contribution with the beauty of instruments at the non-working time. The capacity to see the beauty in our everyday life is not an easy task! Mo works in the laboratory of prof. Züttel, developing X-ray spectroscopy techniques for investigation of CO2 hydrogenation mechanisms.

Ivo Beck, from the laboratory of extreme environments of prof. Schmale got the 3rd prize, with a contribution from an Arctic expedition, in which he participated during 4 months. Ivo develops models on atmospheric processes to gain a deeper understanding of the climate change phenomenon. He takes home 2 Saillon bath tickets, to compensate for the cold Arctic waters.