Bio-Inspired Technologies

EPFL’s School of Engineering is leading the charge in bio-inspired technologies, fostering innovations that draw inspiration from nature to solve complex engineering challenges. Our interdisciplinary teams are dedicated to designing and developing technologies that mimic biological systems to enhance performance and sustainability.

Bio-inspired technologies research at EPFL’s School of Engineering focuses on developing innovative materials, structures, and processes that emulate natural systems, driving advancements in engineering and sustainability.

Our researchers excel in the development of bio-inspired materials, structures, and processes. Their work spans diverse applications, from robotics and materials science to energy systems and healthcare, leveraging nature’s principles to create efficient and adaptive solutions.

Our cutting-edge laboratories are equipped to conduct groundbreaking research in bio-inspired technologies. These facilities support the synthesis and characterization of bio-inspired materials, the development of adaptive systems, and the application of these technologies in real-world scenarios.

Explore the forefront of innovation through our dynamic startups focused on bio-inspired technologies. These ventures, nurtured within EPFL’s ecosystem, are pioneering applications ranging from sustainable materials to advanced robotics.

We collaborate with leading research centers at EPFL to push the boundaries of bio-inspired technology. These partnerships facilitate interdisciplinary research and accelerate the translation of innovative concepts into practical applications.ted to propelling sustainable solutions forward. These collaborative hubs stand at the vanguard of research, catalyzing innovations in renewable energy, smart grids, and beyond.


Discover unparalleled opportunities for education, research, and hands-on experience in bio-inspired technologies at the School of Engineering. Join the next generation of innovators and contribute to a future where nature-inspired solutions drive technological advancements and sustainability.


Keep up with the latest breakthroughs and innovations in bio-inspired technologies from EPFL’s School of Engineering. Our researchers are pioneering nature-inspired solutions that span robotics, materials science, energy systems, and healthcare. Visit our news section for insights into the cutting-edge research shaping the future of bio-inspired engineering.

© iStock

Biomimetic membrane technology could impact multiple industries

— Researchers in the School of Engineering's Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Instrumentation have contributed to a pioneering method for creating thin, energy-converting membranes that mimic the structure and function of biological cell membranes.

Guillaume Bellegarda, Milad Shafiee and Auke Ijspeert © Jamani Caillet

Trotting robots reveal emergence of animal gait transitions

— A four-legged robot trained with machine learning by EPFL researchers has learned to avoid falls by spontaneously switching between walking, trotting, and pronking – a milestone for roboticists as well as biologists interested in animal locomotion.

Co-authors Nathan Ronceray and Théo Emmerich © Titouan Veuillet / EPFL CC BY SA

Artificial nanofluidic synapses can store computational memory

— In a step toward nanofluidic-based neuromorphic – or brain-inspired – computing, EPFL engineers have succeeded in executing a logic operation by connecting two chips that use ions, rather than electrons, to process data.

Krock robot resting on the grass © Tomislav Horvat and Kamilo Melo CC BY-SA

Harsh field tests shape robotic design in unexpected ways

— When the BBC commissioned two reptilian robots from the EPFL BioRob lab for a documentary on the African wilderness in 2016, the researchers could not have predicted how testing the devices in uncontrolled environments would change their approach to robotic design.

ChromoSense © Titouan Veuillet/Adrian Alberola Campailla

A color-based sensor to emulate skin's sensitivity

— In a step toward more autonomous soft robots and wearable technologies, EPFL researchers have created a device that uses color to simultaneously sense multiple mechanical and temperature stimuli.

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Watch our videos to gain insights from EPFL’s leading researchers in bio-inspired technologies. Learn about the latest advancements in nature-inspired materials, adaptive systems, and other groundbreaking applications. Join us as we explore the science and technology behind bio-inspired innovations and see how our work is transforming the future.