Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Instabilities

Our lab investigates fluid dynamics on the basis of uncluttered, simplified models. This enables us to unravel basic mechanisms and governing parameters. We focus on hydrodynamic instability applied to separated flows, coaxial jets and droplet formation, as well as droplet based microfluidics.


24th May 2024: LFMI congratulates its new Doctor ès Sciences

Dr. Yves-Marie Ducimetière: Non-normal forms (Thesis No. 10 442)

22nd September 2023: LFMI congratulates its new Doctor ès Sciences

Dr. Alessandro Bongarzone: Self-sustained dynamics and forced resonant oscillations in flows: cross-junction jets and sloshing liquids (Thesis No. 10 334)

3rd April 2023: LFMI welcomes Dr. Tomas Fullana as a postdoctoral researcher.

24th March 2023: LFMI congratulates its new Doctor ès Sciences

Dr. Shahab Eghbali: Columnlike free-interface flows: symmetry breaking and linear instability (Thesis No. 9558)