Journal articles

Social babbling: The emergence of symbolic gestures and words

L. Cohen; A. Billard 

Neural Networks. 2018-10-01. Vol. 106, p. 194-204. DOI : 10.1016/j.neunet.2018.06.016.

Learning Augmented Joint-Space Task-Oriented Dynamical Systems:A Linear Parameter Varying and Synergetic Control Approach

Y. Shavit; N. B. Figueroa Fernandez; S. S. Mirrazavi Salehian; A. Billard 

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). 2018-05-06. Vol. 3, num. 3, p. 2718-2725. DOI : 10.1109/LRA.2018.2833497.

A Dynamical System Based Approach for Controlling Robotic Manipulators During Non-contact/Contact Transitions

S. S. Mirrazavi Salehian; A. Billard 

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018-05-04. Vol. 3, num. 4, p. 2738-2745. DOI : 10.1109/LRA.2018.2833142.

A Unified Framework for Coordinated Multi-Arm Motion Planning

S. S. Mirrazavi Salehian; N. B. Figueroa Fernandez; A. Billard 

The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2018-03-22. Vol. 37, num. 10, p. 1205-1232. DOI : 10.1177/0278364918765952.

Learning task manifolds for constrained object manipulation

M. Li; K. Tahara; A. Billard 

AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS. 2018. Vol. 42, num. 1, p. 159-174. DOI : 10.1007/s10514-017-9643-z.

Conference papers

Stable Transitions from Free-space to Contact: A Dynamical System Based Approach

S. S. Mirrazavi Salehian; A. Billard 

2018-09-04. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Madrid,

From Human Physical Interaction To Online Motion Adaptation Using Parameterized Dynamical Systems

M. Khoramshahi; A. Laurens; T. Triquet; A. Billard 

2018-06-29. 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Madrid, Spain, October 1-5, 2018. p. 1361-1366. DOI : 10.1109/IROS.2018.8594366.

Modeling Compositions of Impedance-based Primitives via Dynamical Systems.

N. B. Figueroa Fernandez; A. Billard 


Multi-Arm Self-Collision Avoidance: A Sparse Solution for a Big Data Problem.

N. B. Figueroa Fernandez; S. S. Mirrazavi Salehian; A. Billard; N. B. Figueroa Fernandez; S. S. Mirrazavi Salehian et al. 


Do Children Perceive Whether a Robotic Peer is Learning or Not?

S. Chandra; R. Paradeda; H. Yin; P. Dillenbourg; R. Prada et al. 

2018-01-01. 13th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Chicago, IL, Mar 05-08, 2018. p. 41-49. DOI : 10.1145/3171221.3171274.

A Physically-Consistent Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model for Dynamical System Learning

N. B. Figueroa Fernandez; A. Billard 

2018. 2nd Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Zurich, Switzerland, October 29-31,2018.

Boosting Robot Learning and Control with Domain Constraints

H. Yin; F. S. Melo; A. Billard; A. Paiva 

2018. Robotics: Science and Systems: RSS Pioneer Workshop, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Jun 25-30, 2018.


Incorporating Human Expertise in Robot Motion Learning and Synthesis

H. Yin / A. Billard; A. Paiva (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2018. 

Automatic extraction of constraints in manipulation tasks for autonomy and interaction

A-L. Ureche / A. Billard (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2018. 

Compliant control of Uni/ Multi- robotic arms with dynamical systems

S. S. Mirrazavi Salehian / A. Billard (Dir.)  

EPFL, 2018-05-14. 


Intention-based motion adaptation using dynamical systems with human in the loop

M. Khoramshahi; A. Billard 

IROS 2018 Workshop Machine Learning in Robot Motion Planning, Madrid, Spain, October 5th.