Travel and accommodation

Summary of the main measures:

Guidelines particularly relevant to large events are indicated with a ♫.

Encourage local participants to use public transport or car-sharing, or to walk or cycle to the event

  • Strongly encourage speakers, participants and event staff to use public transport or a car-sharing service.
  • If you’re holding a large event, speak with public transport operators to see if they can extend their service hours, increase service frequency or set up special shuttle buses. ♫

Encourage international participants to use alternatives to flying

  • Ask speakers who live far away to participate by videoconference.
  • If speakers must attend the event in person, encourage them to travel by train.
  • If you’re holding an international event with participants from around the world, consider a multi-site format involving other universities or conference centers. ♫

Recommend sustainable options for accommodation

  • Suggest accommodation that is near public transport lines. The local tourist tax includes a Lausanne Transport Card that participants can use during their stay.
  • If possible, suggest accommodation that is close enough for participants to walk, cycle or take public transport.
  • Recommend hotels that have adopted high environmental standards.