EPFL, CHUV and ETHZ receive grant for research on epilepsy seizures

Professors David Atienza and Pascal Frossard, from the School of Engineering, have been awarded a grant from the Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.

David Atienza, from the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL), and Pascal Frossard, from the Signal Processing Laboratory 4 (LTS4), are part of a Sinergia project, titled: “PEDESITE: Personalized Detection of Epileptic Seizure in the Internet of Things (IoT) Era”, led by Philippe Ryvlin from the CHUV and in collaboration with professor Luca Benini from ETHZ. The main goal of the project, which has received a grant of 3 million francs, is to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based system for epileptic seizure detection and forecasting.

The multi-disciplinary project will deliver an ultra-low-energy edge AI embedded system connected to multi-parametric sensing wearables, and a central computing platform to tune the machine learning (ML) technology and lead to optimal personalized seizure detection and forecasting algorithms with new interpretable AI concepts. This monitoring of patients in their daily routine will allow taking immediate actions to protect them from the many severe consequences of seizures and help physicians optimising treatment based on more accurate information coming from the edge AI and interpretable ML.