Sustainability Working Group

Local, collective and sustainable actions are needed to transform EPFL into a responsible
community and mitigate our impact on the environment.
The goals of the Sustainability working group is to develop strong collaborations and connect with the different actors at EPFL acting in this direction, to raise awareness among the scientific community regarding climate related issues, and more importantly to turn this awareness into sustainable actions.

Many projects are currently undertaken at EPFL. In particular, the EPFL Task Force for Climate and Sustainability designed a Climate action plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, and the EPFL Sustainability Unit attached to the VPT acts on various aspects related to catering, waste management, responsible purchasing, energy, mobility and biodiversity.
As postdocs, we can make our voice heard and collaborate with policy makers to have an impact on decisions taken at EPFL regarding these issues.
In addition, the EPDA Sustainability working group organises workshops with speakers from
companies/startups, in order to offer our Postdocs an overview of the business sectors in which they could pursue their career, and the possibility to develop a professional network.
We are also setting-up a collaboration with the SV Sustainability office to offer a series of
interactive workshops to evaluate together and find solutions to decrease the carbon footprint research laboratories in Life Sciences and Chemistry (as a first step).

Which benefits for you as a member of the Sustainability working group?
• Unique opportunity to take sustainable actions in alignment with your values
• Open perspectives for your career: acquire experience in sustainability, team-building, project management and develop your network
• Take advantage of EPDA network/visibility to implement your own sustainable projects more efficiently
• Be part of a collaborative project, driven by the common willing to have a positive impact at the scale of the campus and beyond!