Experts on Ukraine

If you host an event such as a panel discussion that touches on the topics of Ukraine or the war in Ukraine, consider inviting experts on Ukraine for comments.

Tetiana Murovana
Visiting Professor at EPFL
Expertise: Entrepreneurship, strategic management, innovation, sustainable development.
Languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian
Email: [email protected]
Hanna Perekhoda
Graduate Assistant, Institute of Political Studies (IEP), UNIL
Expertise: Ukrainian political history and Russia–Ukraine relations (XIX-XX century)
Languages: French, English, Russian, Ukrainian
Email: [email protected]
Henrik Larsen
Senior Researcher at Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich
Expertise: NATO/EU relations with specialization in Ukraine
Languages: English, French, Danish, intermediary German
Email: [email protected]
Maria Sivers
Doctoral Researcher at EPFL, President of Ukrainian Cultural Association (AKULA) at EPFL
Expertise: Sustainability, Architecture, Entrepreneurship, Ukrainian architecture in the frame of historical development and international relations; Contemporary Ukrainian politics.
Languages: English, German, French, Ukrainian
Email: [email protected]