News and Announcements

Velykden: 18th & 19th April
Come join us on the first week after Easter break, where we will be giving out free food and holding fun workshops as part of the Agepoly event “Back from Paques”! The plan is the following: 18th April (12:00-13:00):A wide selection of delicious Ukrainian food prepared by our delightful volunteers will be given out for (…)

Velykden at EPFL
Easter in the Ukrainian style named “Velykden”: traditional cuisine, delicious authentic Ukrainian borscht and many other interesting things. All this could be enjoyed from April 18 to 19 on the territory of EPFL as part of the Agepoly event “Back from Paques”!During the event, AKULA organized interesting master classes. You could paint your Easter egg (…)

AKULA at the Association Week
It was lively at booth #37 at the EPFL Association Week. We were delighted to present AKULA to the campus and welcome all the new joiners. After taking a small quiz on the geography of Ukraine, you could win some Ukrainian merch and homemade Ukrainian buns with sweet and savory fillings. We’ve met many of (…)

Ukrainian food stand at Esplanade
Привіт! Hopefully, the new study year is going well for you guys. AKULA ? has big plans for 2022-2023. This summer we’ve put together a food stand with Ukrainian cuisine at Esplanade. Anyone who passed on campus could try some delicious Ukrainian food: from luscious crimson Borsht with Pampushky garlic bread to Pyrizhky buns with (…)

Fields Medal Winner Maryna Viazovska Shares Her Personal Experiences with the War in Ukraine
Kyiv-born and raised EPFL professor Maryna Viazovska was awarded the prestigious Fields Medal for her breakthrough work on the sphere packing problem. In her official interviews with the International Mathematical Union, which awards the Fields Medal, professor Viazovska shares her personal experience with the 2022 Russian invasion of her home country Ukraine, and calls for the international community to act.

Meeting with EPFL Leadership
12 травня члени української громади EPFL провели особисту зустріч з Мартіном Веттерлі та Кетрін Гесс, щоб обговорити як EPFL підтримує українських студентів у ці нелегкі часи. Було розглянуто низку питань. Фінансова підтримка EPFL надаватиме соціальні стипендії всім, чиє матеріальне становище постраждало через війну. Нам розповіли, що наразі лише 2 українські студенти успішно подали документи на (…)
Збір гуманітарної допомоги для України
7 та 8 квітня перед офісом організації AGEPoly на Еспланаді кампусу EPFL відбувся збір гуманітарної допомоги для українців. Незважаючи на несприятливі погодні умови, збір пройшов успішно. Протягом цих двох днів було зібрано товари для дітей та немовлят, довготривалі продукти харчування, одяг, засоби гігієни, медичні препарати, товари для виживання на природі, товари для домашніх тварин тощо. (…)

Meeting with EPFL leadership
On May 12th, the members of the Ukrainian community at EPFL met in person with Martin Vetterli and Kathryn Hess to discuss the state of EPFL’s support for Ukrainian students during this trying time. A number of topics were touched on. Financial support EPFL provides social scholarships for anyone whose financial situation was affected by (…)

Humanitarian aid collection for Ukraine
On the 7th and 8th of April, a collection of humanitarian aid for Ukrainians was held in front of the AGEPoly shop on the Esplanade. Although the weather was not good and despite the unfortunate rain, the collection of the aid went successfully. During these two days, we collected items for kids and babies, long-shelf-life (…)