Category: lmc

The Road to Greener Concrete Is Paved With Clay

Actu, features, lmc, Research

Among the myriad steps needed to clean up construction, a cement made with heated clay stands out. The Argos plant in Rioclaro, Colombia, can churn out as much as 2.3 million tons of cement a year, used to build everything from dams and bridges to skyscrapers and stadiums. That has helped make Argos the biggest cement (…)

Swiss researchers chart path to zero-emission cement

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By Frédéric Simon of   The construction sector can cut polluting emissions up to 80% by applying efficiency measures along the whole value chain, according to new research. If combined with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, emissions could even be brought down to zero by 2050, they argue. Achieving carbon neutrality in the (…)

No other material can compete with concrete

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It’s safe to say that the world as we know it would be quite different without concrete. Following its invention in the 19th century, modern concrete – or Portland cement – quickly found its place in the building industry. This novel material could be used to rapidly build roads, bridges, dams and many other types (…)

A new, greener cement to meet future demand

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Cement production is responsible for almost ten percent of human CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, it is one of the most sustainable construction materials. Now, an EPFL-led consortium has received backing from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to speed up the development and testing of a new blend of low-carbon cement. Elaborated with partners (…)