Interferential photography on exhibition (2 students)

Synopsis: Building demonstration experiments and showcases for an artistic and scientific exhibition on Lippmann photography, as part of a semester project.

Level: MS/BS.

Description: Gabriel Lippmann won the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physics for the development of the first color photography technique. Its principle, based on light interference,  is as fascinating as the artworks themselves. Our lab contributes to an exhibition at Élysée Museum in Lausanne that will put both aspects in the spotlight, with didactic scientific experiments as well as original and modern photographs.

In this project, the students will work together with the scientific and technical team on electromechanical devices for this exhibition, such as special, interactive showcases or optical and acoustical experiments. They will design, build, test and document (electro-)mechanical solutions that show optimally the artwork or physical effect, while meeting the technical and aesthetical demands of a public exhibition.

Deliverables: Showcases or/and demonstration experiments with documentation.

References: Current prototypes, including documentation.

Prerequisites: Good mechanical or electrical design and construction skills, basic programming knowledge. Interest in optics or photography is a plus.

Type of Work: ~60% design, ~40% building and testing.