

The GIS Lab contributes to the education of environmental engineers by enabling them to accept the challenges of territorial management, teaching them the knowledge necessary to acquire, manage,  analyse and disseminate territorial information as well as establishing information technologies.

The main goal is to train environmental engineers able to:

  • know characteristics and value of geographic information;
  • choose and use relevant information to support their decisions;
  • know the capacities and the limits of existing geographic information systems and tools;
  • exchange information with GI systems developers.

To strengthen their competences in geographical information management, future environmental engineers should also be able to :

  • choose and adapt an adequate approach to implement a GI system for a corresponding issue to solve;
  • choose and use adequate geographic information engineering tools;
  • to define specifications, and to select the appropriate computer and GI system, and to implement it.

The GIS lab offers a MOOC in french (Introduction aux Systèmes d’Information Géographique) and the following bachelor and master courses:


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