PhD Theses

PhD Theses in progress
- Gas-Induced Impacts on the Barrier Integrity of Deep Geological Repository of Radioactive Wastes (a contribution to the EURAD-Gas project): Qazim Llabjani, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari
- New insights for Chemo-hydro-mechanical modelling of engineered geological barriers: Svetlana Babiy, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, co-director: Dr. Angelica Tuttolomondo
- Geomechanical modeling of biocemented soils: applications for geohazard mitigation: Ziad Sahlab, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, co-director: Dr. Dimitrios Terzis
- Multiphysical modelling of sustainable geotechnics with a focus on biocementation and energy geostructures: Sofie ten Bosch, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, co-directors: Dr. Dimitrios Terzis and Elena Ravera
Recently Concluded PhD Theses
- Performance assessment of FEM models to simulate THM effects in the rock around the FE-tunnel: Matthias Wojnarowicz, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone Under Thermal Loading: Héloïse Fuselier, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari
- Investigation of the effect of mineral dissolution on the geomechanical behaviour of geomaterials: Taeheon Kim, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Mechanical Performance and Upscaling of Bio-Improved Soils (in the context of BIOGEOS): Ray Harran, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
Swelling and shrinkage of partially saturated gas shales: from laboratory tests to an effective stress framework: Jinwoo Kim, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari
Influence of pore-scale heterogeneity on the precipitation patterns in Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP): Ariadni Elmaloglou, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Cyclic Thermomechanical Behaviour of Pile-Soil Interface and Design Methods for Energy Pile Foundations: Elena Ravera, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, 2021.
- Stress-Strain Modeling of Compacted Bentonite Subjected to Environmental actions: Jose Bosh, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari, 2021.
- Effective Stress for Unsaturated Active Clays and in-situ Effective Stress Estimation Methodology: Angelica Tuttolomondo, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari, 2021.
- Advances in the Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis from Surface Footings to Thermoactive Deep Foundations: Cristiano Garbellini, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, 2021.
- Thermomechanical Behavior of Underground Energy Infrastructures: Jacopo Zannin, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari, 2020.
- Geotechnical and Environmental Performance of Retaining Structures in Unsaturated Soils: Gianluca Speranza, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari, 2020.
- Stress Management in the context of Induced Seismicity in Subsurface Reservoirs: Barnaby Fryer, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Gunter Siddiqi, 2020.
- Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Chemo-Mechanical modeling of Bentonite in the context of Nuclear Waste Storage: Etienne Cassini, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, 2020.
- Hydro-mechanical Response of Opalinus Clay Shale: Dependency on Composition and Burial Depth: Eleonora Crisci, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari, 2019.
- On the geo-structural behaviour of thermo-active pile groups under mechanical and thermal cyclic actions: Alessandro Rotta Loria, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, 2019.
- Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour and Transport Properties of Shales and Gas Shales: Alberto Minardi, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari, 2019.
- Kinetics, Mechanics and Micro-structure of Bio-cemented Soils: Dimitrios Terzis, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Shales: Valentina Favero, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Fierrari
- Multiphase Thermo-Hydromechanical Processes induced by CO2 injection into deep saline aquifers: Chao Li, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Hydro-mechanical damage model for anisotropic shales (Opalinus Clay): Constitutive modelling and numerical: Francesco Parisio, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Gas flow propagation and related Chemo-Hydro-Mechanical response of sand bentonite mixture: Donatella Manca, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Thermomechanical characterization of energy geostructures with emphasis on energy piles: Thomas Mimouni, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui
- Constructive recommendations for optimized and reliable heat exchanger pile systems: Alice Di Donna, thesis director: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, 2014.
- Thermo-hydro-mechanical characterisation and modelling of MX-80 granular bentonite: Ali Seiphoori, thesis directors: Prof. Dr. Lyesse Laloui, Dr. Alessio Ferrari, 2014.