In the media

Presentations on energy geostructures:
Multiphysical Processes and Design of Thermo-Active Foundations
Lecture by Prof. Laloui at the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
Enery Geostructures in Urban Underground Infrastructures
Lecture by Prof. Laloui at III International Congress Madrid Subterra
Interview with Prof. Laloui for RTS Info
Articles and interviews:
New Book Spotlights Resource-saving Potential of Energy Geostructures

As demand grows for new built environments in cities, scientists are looking to the very ground where these structures sit to provide renewable energy to power them. Called energy geostructures, these multifunctional technologies integrate geothermal energy carriers within building foundations and other earth-contact structures, providing an environmentally friendly way to heat and cool indoor spaces and sustain hot water production.
Analysis and Design of Energy Geostructures

Energy geostructures provide a constant source of renewable heating and cooling in buildings and infrastructures and perform very well. Professor Lyesse Laloui, the director of EPFL’s Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS), has co-authored a new book that takes stock of the latest developments in a field where Lausanne leads the way globally.
Creating Structures That Supply Thermal Energy: A New Book for Transforming Built Environments

Transforming all structures in contact with the ground to provide combined structural support and renewable energy supply to built environments is the cutting-edge role of energy geostructures. Professor Alessandro Rotta Loria is the co-author of a new book, first of its kind, about the science and engineering of energy geostructures.
The Book Analysis and Design of Energy Geostructures is Out!

Transforming all structures in contact with the ground to provide combined structural support and renewable energy supply to built environments is the cutting-edge role of energy geostructures. Professor Alessandro Rotta Loria is the co-author of a new book, first of its kind, about the science and engineering of energy geostructures.
Related publications:

This book collects selected full papers presented at the International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 2018 (SEG-2018), held on 25th – 28th September 2018, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). It covers a wide range of topics in energy geotechnics, including energy geostructures, energy geostorage, thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, unconventional resources, hydraulic stimulation, induced seismicity, CO2 geological storage, and nuclear waste disposal as well as topics such as tower and offshore foundations.
Springer International Publishing
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-99670-7

能源地下结构 – Energy Geostructures
This book collects selected full papers presented at the International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 2018 (SEG-2018), held on 25th – 28th September 2018, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). It covers a wide range of topics in energy geotechnics, including energy geostructures, energy geostorage, thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, unconventional resources, hydraulic stimulation, induced seismicity, CO2 geological storage, and nuclear waste disposal as well as topics such as tower and offshore foundations.