The Journée Georges de Rham has been introduced in 1991 by the Troisième Cycle Romand de mathématiques. Since then, it is organized each year during the Spring semester by the mathematics departments of EPFL and of the University of Geneva, and it features two speakers of international fame. The Journée de Rham aims at presenting current developments in mathematics, as well as at stimulating interactions amongst researchers in mathematics and related fields.
Journée Georges de Rham 2019Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at EPFL (auditorium CO1) from 15h20 to 18h15 |
15:20-15:30 Opening and Welcome |
15:30-16:30 From de Rham Cohomology to Massive Gravity
Prof. Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London) De Rham Cohomology is the fundamental principle that governs any gauge symmetry and provides the building blocks for our understanding of particle physics. I will discuss how to make those dynamical for spin-1 fields and implications for spin-2 fields and gravity. |
16:30-17:15 Coffee Break |
17:15-18:15 Taming Infinities
Prof. Martin Hairer (Imperial College London) |
19:30 Dinner at Gina (registration at jdr[email protected])
Previous editions can be found in the CUSO webpage here.