EDPY Postes vacants PhD in Experimental Physics (Sion) Prof. Christoph Ellert 05.08.2024 PhD position in MR Spectroscopy Spectroscopic Imaging Dr Cristina Cudalbu 25.04.2024 PhD positions in the Laboratory of the Physics of Biological Systems Prof. Sahand Rahi 16.04.2024 PhD position in the Dynamic Quantum Materials Laboratory Prof. Gregor Jotzu 23.01.2024 PhD position in Data Processing for Cryo Electron ptychography Prof. Henning Stahlberg 05.12.2023 PhD position in Active Spectroscopy in Fusion Relevant Plasmas on the RAID DeviceDr. Marcelo Baquero Ruiz 05.12.2023 PhD/Postdoc positions in Mechanics of Soft and Biological Matter LaboratoryProf. Sangwoo Kim 21.11.2023 PhD position in the Laboratory of Protein and Cell Engineering (SV)Prof. Patrick Barth 27.09.2023 PhD position on the neurometabolic connectome_a new window on brain diseaseDr Lijing Xin 14.03.2023 PhD/Postdoctoral position in Multimode Quantum ElectrodynamicsProf. Pasquale Scarlino 28.02.2022 Autre postes vacants