Projets de semestre en cours

Automne 2024 (B. Sc. or M. Sc.)

Dans ce projet de semestre, l’étudiant aura l’opportunité d’étudier des échantillons de titane de différents niveaux de pureté commerciale produits par un nouveau procédé de frittage ultra-rapide : Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4. La différence entre ces grades se porte surtout sur la teneur en atomes d’oxygène en position interstitielle. Le but de ce (…)

Non-metallic inclusions, including oxide, sulphides and nitrides, are commonly found in steels as a direct result of steelmaking and thermal treatment processes. Despite representing a small percentage of the steel’s composition, inclusions have a significant influence, generally detrimental, on the mechanical properties of steel. The structure and composition of non-metallic inclusions in steels are a (…)

Controlling the composition, size and microstructure of oxide inclusions, whose presence is practically unavoidable in steels, is a major goal within the steelmaking industry. It is well known that the amount and type of non-metallic inclusions have a direct influence on the physical and mechanical properties of steel properties like strength, fatigue, ductile-brittle fracture, welding, (…)

Additive manufacturing (AM) consists of the fabrication of parts layer-by-layer or point-by-point. The most common AM processes designed to build metallic parts use high energy sources such as a laser, an electron beam or a plasma, generally to melt and solidify powder. This allows the manufacturing of complex and bespoke geometries; however, the high-power consumption (…)

Additive manufacturing (AM) consists of the fabrication of parts layer-by-layer or point-by-point. The most common AM processes designed to build metallic parts use high energy sources such as a laser, an electron beam or a plasma, generally to melt and solidify powder. This allows the manufacturing of complex and bespoke geometries; however, the high-power consumption (…)