Frank Escher & Ravi GuneWardena

Ravi GuneWardena & Frank Escher
Ravi GuneWardena                   Frank Escher

14 novembre 2016

Frank Escher & Ravi GuneWardena
architectes, Los Angeles, professeurs invités AR

In a city with a tradition of experimentation that brought about an extraordinary collection of 20th century architecture, as well as a contemporary art scene of global importance, the office of Frank Escher and Ravi GuneWardena occupies a unique position: since 1997 they have routinely worked with contemporary artists (Eliasson, Prina, Kelley, Lockhart), as well as with significant architectural buildings. This, projects on Neutra, Schindler and A. Q. Jones, the restauration of John Lautner’s Chemosphere, and the conservation of the Eames House, will be the focus of Escher’s lecture.