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× 2022 Evaluation of chemically-enhanced microsieving as primary treatment of municipal wastewater T. Boutros
2022-10-01. 2021 Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production on fermented wastewater sludge: comparison of reactor mode and mechanistic definition of storage responses C. Gan
2021-06-25. Plastic is fantastic: polyhydroxyalkanoate production on fermented wastewater sludge C. Bettex
2021-04-02. 2019 Optimisation dâun traitement par microtamis et valorisation des boues primaires de STEP S. Strobl
2019-10-05. Quantifying bacterial structure of aerobic granular sludge using image analysis K. Gemayel
2019-10-05. Wastewater and green waste biorefinery Degradation of simple sugars using mixed cultures of purple non-sulfur bacteria: an insight into microbial interactions G. Crosset-Perrotin
2019-10-05. 2018 Adsorptive Removal of Pb(II) and As(V) from Aqueous Solution by PVDF/HMO Ultrafiltration Mixed Matrix Membrane Y. L. Seghrouchni
2018. 2017 Effect of Different Influent Compositions on Microbial Communities, Physical Characteristics and Nutrient Removal Performances of Aerobic Granular Sludge L. A. Hernandez HungerbĂŒhler
2017. Effect of in influent composition on the microbial communities and granulation process in aerobic granular sludge systems E. Reynaert
2017. La STEP d’AĂŻre: nouveau lieu de crĂ©ation et de diffusion artistique Ă GenĂšve T. Buache
2017. 2016 Optimisation du systĂšme dâassainissement des eaux urbaines RĂ©seau-STEP-Milieu rĂ©cepteur par une approche de gestion intĂ©grĂ©e J-B. Razurel
2016. 2015 Influence of Temperature, VFA and pH on the inactivation of pathogens in anaerobic digestion of faecel sludge L. Jost
2015. Towards Solar Decathlon: Concepts for a Sustainable Urban Water Management in a new eco-district G. A. Paglia
2015. Methane oxidation pathways in Lake La Cruz C. Jegge
2015. Faecal sludge treatment: Optimization of Ascaris eggs enumeration and inactivation, and start-up of an anaerobic thermophilic acid-phase digester L. Randin
2015. Etude de la sensibilitĂ© d’algues unicellulaires au cuivre: le rĂŽle de l’interaction des espĂšces et de la lumiĂšre V. Gagnaux
2015. 2014 Evaluation of pathogens inactivation during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of faecal sludge K. Gallandat
2014. Understanding what limits biological phosphorus removal at Usterâs wastewater treatment plant O. LarivĂ©
2014. Assessment of the impacts of local conditions and sampling methods on the characteristics of faecal sludge A. Ferré
2014. Wastewater treatment processes modelling for anaerobic digestion effluents M. Steudler
2014. Potential of horseradish hairy roots for the phytotreatment of water containing sulfamethoxazole S. J. Laake
2014. Assessment of organic waste availability and suitability for the co-digestion of faecal sludge in Vietnam A. Mertenat
2014. On-site biostimulation evaluation of a remediated perchloroethene-contaminated acquifer located in Jablunkov, Czech Republic I. FĂ€h
2014. Treatment of micropollutants in municipal wastewater: study of a sequential batch biofilter A. Contijoch
2014. 2013 Elimination des micropolluants dans les eaux usĂ©es : Ă©tude d’un biofiltre fongique (Fungal trickling filter) M. Vargas
2013. Utilisation de composés carbonés afin de diminuer la concentration de cadmium dans des végétaux comestibles de Nouvelle-Zélande G. Chanson
2013. Allometric equations for non-destructive biomass estimation of early stage sugarcane plants â Case study in Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil H. Baecher
2013. Phytoextraction of zinc, zinc oxide, copper and copper oxide in hydroponic solution with gibberellic acid and EDDS amendments by Lolium perenne F. Dupuich
2013. Analysis of loads, water quality and certain biological production on the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System E. Kaiser
2013. Reactive oxygen species production and signalling as a component of salinity tolerance mechanism in cereals A. Massart
2013. Conception of a biological activated carbon filter for micropollutants removal in wastewater S. Gomez
2013. 2012 Ălimination des micropolluants dans les eaux usĂ©es : Ătude de la bio-oxydation enzymatique par le genre bactĂ©rien Streptomyces C. B. Granier
2012. Reclamation of low fertility soils using by-products and fast-growing trees M. Adami
2012. Identification of parameters affecting the outcome of biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests J. Stöckli
2012. 2011 Production of a thermostable fumarase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the bioconversion of fumarate to L-malate C. Signorell
2011. Multi-parameter study on the start-up phase in aerobic granular sludge technology for wastewater treatment M. Corbaz
2011. Assainissement de la dĂ©charge de Colliare Ă Penthaz â Etude de variantes G. Hack
2011. The role of roots in the phytoextraction of bioavailable zinc C. Pfistner
2011. Effects of different soil amendments on phytoremediation from a cadmium and DDTs co-contaminated soil by Sedum alfredii (Cd hyperaccumulator) co-cropped with Ricinus communis (DDT accumulator) P. Grandjean
2011. Evaluation of silicate minerals for acid neutralization during bioremediation of high concentrations of chlorinated ethenes L. Gilbert
2011. 2010 Purification & characterization of PceC protein involved in Dehalorespiration by Desulfitobacterium & Dehalobacter spp A. Rupakuka
2010. Influence of pH on dehalorespiring consortia & first steps in the development of a methodology for acid neutralization in enhanced in situ bioremediation N. Munz
2010. 2009 Elaboration d’outils pour l’investigation et l’assainissement des stands de tirs B. Chappuis
2009. N-removal optimization by various aeration strategies S. Taillard
2009. Study of the microbial communities of core and water samples in a chloroethenes contaminated aquifer G. Laulan
2009. Comparative study of environmental impacts of imported organic products and regional conventional products â Geneva’s case F. Escalera
2009. MĂ©thodologie d’Ă©valuation des facteurs de succĂšs et d’Ă©chec des stations de traitement des eaux usĂ©es et des boues de vidange Ă grande Ă©chelle – A methodology to evaluate succes or failure of full-scale wasterwater and faecal sludge treatment systems M. Bassan
2009. Advantages and limits of co-digestion in wastewater treatment plants â comparison to co-digestion in agriculture N. Bachmann
2009. 2008 Influences des variables géologiques sur la structure de communautés bactériennes impliquées dans la déhalogenation réductrice des éthÚnes chlores dans un aquifÚre contaminé R. Coulon
2008. DĂ©veloppement et validation de l’extraction in situ d’Ă©thanol sur culture mixte Ă partir de permĂ©at de petit-lait M. Hugonnet
2008. Aerobic granular sludge reactor technology – Aerobic granulation with different substrates S. Lochmatter
2008. 2006 Aerobic granular sludge reactor technology Aerobic granulation in bubble column reactor at unregulated temperature S. Gabus
2006. Aerobic granular sludge reactor technology Microbial diversity of aerobic granules D. Weissbrodt
2006. 2004 Valorisation des tourteaux de presse de graines olĂ©agineuses dans le but de dĂ©contaminer l’eau chargĂ©e en polluants hydrophobes L. Steiner