Effets des Plantes Subordonnées sur la Structure des Communautés Végétales et Microbiennes du Sol et sur les Fonctions de l’Ecosystème
Type : Thèse (2008-2012)

Financement :

- Les Amburnex – Marchairuz
- La frétaz – Bullet

Swiss Federal Institute for Research WSL, site Lausanne Membre du comité d’organisation |
GR B2 – station 2 |
8. Mariotte, P., Le Bayon, R.C., Eisenhauer, N., Guenat, C., Buttler, A. (2016) Subordinate plant species mediate drought effects on earthwrom community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 96, 119-127.
7. Mariotte, P., Robroek, B., Jassey, V.E.J., Buttler, A. (2015) Subordinate plants mitigate drought effects on soil ecosystem processes by stimulating fungi. Functional Ecology, 29, 1578-1586.
6. Mariotte, P. (2014) Do subordinate species punch above their weight? Evidence from above and belowground. New Phytologist, 203, 16-21.
5. Mariotte, P., Vandenberghe, C., Kardol, P., Hagedorn, F., Buttler, A. (2013) Subordinate species enhance community insurance to drought in semi-natural grassland ecosystems. Journal of Ecology , 101, 763-773.
4. Mariotte, P. , Buttler, A., Kohler, F., Gilgen, A.K., Spiegelberger, T. (2013) How do subordinate and dominant species in semi-natural grasslands relate to productivity and land-use change? Basic and Applied Ecology, 14, 217-224.
3. Mariotte, P., Vandenberghe, C., Meugnier, C., Rossi, P., Bardgett, R.D., Buttler, A. (2013) Subordinate plant species impact on soil microbial communities and ecosystem functioning in grassland: findings from a removal experiment. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics , 15, 77-85.
2. Mariotte, P., Meugnier, C., Johnson, D., Thébault, A., Spiegelberger, T., Buttler, A. (2013) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce the differences in competitiveness between dominant and subordinate plant species. Mycorrhiza , 23, 267-277.
1. Mariotte, P., Buttler, A., Johnson, D., Thébault, A. & Vandenberghe, C. (2012) Exclusion of root competition increases competitive abilities of subordinate plant species through root-shoot interactions. Journal of Vegetation Science , 23, 1148-1158.