Workshop on Energy Efficient Electronic Technologies and Systems

July 18-19th, 2011 – Barcelona, Spain

Technical Chairs:

        Adrian M. Ionescu, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
        David Jimenez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Contact & organization:

        Karin Jaymes, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ( [email protected] )
        Isabelle Buzzi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ( [email protected] )

This international workshop is co-organized and funded by the Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life Pilot FET Flagship and by the Swiss Nano-tera EASY project. The workshop targets the dissemination of main scientific concepts related to the zero power technology platform and the smart autonomous system applications in Guardian Angels Flagship as well as exchanging new ideas in corresponding field at European level. Another main focus is the interaction between the Spanish and the Swiss research communities in the field. Other keynotes and invited talks from France, Italy and UK enlarge the workshop dimension and are designed to create opportunities for future collaborations.

The workshop is organized over 1.5 days an encompasses topics such as steep slope devices and their advantages for low power, the role and importance of Silicon-On-Insulator in low power, the heterogeneous design and system level aspects concerning ultra low power autonomous sensor networks and most recent progress in the field of  energy harvesters. Interactions with the SINANO and NANOTEC communities have been scheduled having as starting point key presentations by their leaders. Finally, a discussion concerning the steps needed for the integration of European groups in the Guardian Angels Flagship and the feedback of the European research communities, and particularly Spanish researchers, has been planned at the end of the workshop.