48th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium 2014

The Laboratory of Soil Mechanics participated at the 48th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. The event took place at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, on 1-4 June 2014.  The Symposium has been organized by the American Rock Mechanics Association.  More than 240 papers, seven keynote lectures, 21 technical session subjects, two posters sessions, two short courses and three workshops have been presented successfully.

The LMS has done the following activities:

  • One short course held by Prof. Lyesse Laloui and Dr. Ferrari entitled “Multiphysical Geomechanics”;
  • One lecture given by Dr. Alessio Ferrari within the 3rd Workshop on Petroleum Geomechanics Testing;
  • Prof. Lyesse Laloui chaired the technical session on CO2 sequestration;
  • Three oral presentations in the thematic sessions given by Valentina Favero, Roman Makhnenko, and Francesco Parisio.




Prof. Lyesse Laloui and Dr. Alessio Ferrari presenting the course “Muliphysical Geomechanics”


Dr. Alessio Ferrari during his presentation “Geomechanical characterization and Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical testing of shales” in the 3rd Workshop on Petroleum Geomechanics Testing on May 31st.



Valentina Favero and Francesco Parisio presented their PhD work respectively on the water retention behavior of shales and an elasto-plastic-damage model for quasi-brittle shales.



Campus University of Minnesota