
Karen Scrivener receives honorary doctorate from TU/e
Karen Scrivener appointed to United Nations SDG group
The future of construction with more sustainable cement
Does concrete have a future in a sustainable world?
The confused world of low-carbon concrete
Doctoral position opens at LMC
Concrete - a game changer in climate technology
Prof. Scrivener featured in BBC article
Qiao Wang - My Thesis in 180
Swiss News explores LC3 after COP26
Franco Zunino to give webinar on LC3 at Rilem
Image award from Centre of Electron Microscopy
Prof. Scrivener interviewed for Swiss TV
Karen Scrivener answers a question for the BBC: Must our future be cast in concrete?
The Road to Greener Concrete Is Paved With Clay
Karen Scrivener appears in TED Event: Countdown Global Launch
Swiss researchers chart path to zero-emission cement
No other material can compete with concrete
Database clarifies bottom-up design of cement
A new, greener cement to meet future demand