The Ring Master is born

Training of natural electrophiles to target a single protein leads to improved target specificity and drug activity, but retains the electrophile’s privileged properties.

The first step to translation of T-REX, by Xuyu et al., is set to appear in ACS Central Science:

Precision targeting of pten-null triple-negative breast tumors guided by electrophilic metabolite sensing

We thank all the former and present members and collaborators for their input:
Xuyu Liu#, Marcus J. C. Long, Benjamin Hopkins, Chaosheng Luo, Lingxi Wang, and Yimon Aye*
(#first author, *corresponding author)

This work is built on the following related manuscript and perspective contributed by Long and Parvez et al.:

Privileged electrophile sensors: A resource for covalent drug development (Cell Chemical Biology 2017)

Akt3 is a privileged first responder in isozyme-specific electrophile response (Nature Chemical Biology 2017)