Computational Neuroscience Seminar - LCN

06.07.09 Monday, 12h15, AAB032

Filip De Smet, Gent University, Belgium (Homepage)

Clustering behavior in systems of coupled oscillators and networks of mutually attracting agents


The Kuramoto model is a prototype model to study synchronization in systems of coupled oscillators. The oscillators in the Kuramoto model organize themselves into clusters. Several results can be formulated regarding this clustering behavior, as well for the model with a finite number of oscillators as for the model with an infinite number of oscillators. We can also introduce a model that captures the clustering behavior of the Kuramoto model, but with a larger potential for analytical results. The model and the results allow several extensions, among which the possibility to consider a general network structure for the interactions.

Furthermore, the model is applicable to systems that are not related to coupled oscillators.
