Prof. János Pach


Conferences Courses Publications (Ex)-students
Editor of Denton lectures Photos Research Problems in Discrete Geometry

Ad personam

M.S. (Math.), Eötvös University, Hungary, 1977;
Ph.D. (Math.), Eötvös University, Hungary, 1981;
Doctorate, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1995;
Grunwald Medal, Bolyai Mathematical Society, 1982;
Ford Award, Mathematical Association of America, 1990;
Renyi Award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1993;
Academy Award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1998;
Distinguished Professorship, City University of New York, 2004;
Neilson Professorship, Smith College, 2008;
ACM Fellowship, 2011;
Invited Speaker at International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul, 2014;
Academia Europaea, Member, 2014.

Blanvillain Trisection

Christian Blanvillain’s new 6-piece solution to Abù’l-Wafà’s (940-998) problem: How to cut a square into three congruent squares?