EDMS Candidacy exam

+ 10 months max. after matriculation

Submit the proposition of candidacy exam committee (see link to the PhD rules and link to the MD-PhD rules above) to the doctoral program office. Throughout the doctoral thesis work and starting at the submission of the documents for the candidacy exam, PhD students are obliged to submit an annual report that is signed by themselves, their thesis director, their co-director if applicable, as well as by their mentor.

– 14 calendar days before candidacy exam

Submission of the Research Plan (see link to the PhD rules above) to all committee members and to the doctoral program office.
A minimum of 4 credits must have been acquired before the CE. The 3 mandatory Research Rotation Modules must be attended during the first 2 years.

+ 12 months max. after matriculation

Candidacy exam: The candidacy exam takes place at the latest 12 months after matriculation. If the exam is not taken in due time, it is considered as a failure and the student’s contract is terminated. A maximum of 1 month extension may be requested. The Research Plan must be approved and the validation form must be signed by each member of the thesis committee, the doctoral program director and the PhD student.

+ 15 months max. after matriculation

In case of failure of the candidacy exam, an extension period of max. 3 months can be granted for a second attempt. In case of repeated failure, the candidate is definitely not admitted.