Add publications

Managing your publications with Infoscience is strongly recommended by the EPFL management. It is very simple to retrieve a list of publications present on Infoscience and to display it automatically in yoour page.
But it is also possible to add them directly one by one, or by editing a free box.
Operations available for each item

  • make the element visible
    Elément visible et en ligne sur people
  • sort their order
  • erase them
    Effacer un élément sur people
  • Don’t forget to save your additions and modifications after you have entered them.

Allows you to retrieve an automatic list of science publications, in the form of a query url:
See infoscience help on exporting publications (login resquested)

It is possible to add  ‘manually’ a structured list of your favorite publications (list of authors, title, source -title of the journal-, url link)

Allows a series of publications to be added as unstructured text (free fields)