Web Graphical Charter

The graphic elements of the site are based on a style guide, as well as on the visual identity of EPFL.

Page templates for WordPress EPFL users

The following sections present page templates for EPFL webmasters. They can be used as a basis for the construction of the different sections of the site.

These models are not mandatory, but are strongly encouraged to ensure the coherence of the entire EPFL website.

Developers toolkit

If you need to make a stand-alone website or develop an EPFL application, it is recommended to use the EPFL Web styleguide:

You can use epfl-theme-elements to facilitate integration, with the following available options:

Benefits of use

  • Web2018 CDN:
    • Versioned resources behind Cloudflare cache
    • Ready to use templates (header, footer, icons and logo with an example page)
    • Error pages (404, 500, etc.)
  • Only 1 CSS file
  • Only 1 JS file