Internal Leadership Training Workshop

As a part of its Capacity building programme, the EPFL postdoc association (EPDA)is organising a free Leadership training workshop for its members (irrespectively if you paid the membership fee). The leadership workshop is done by our member for free and is based on the established freely available programme provided by Google (re:Work) based on project Oxygen.
The workshop will follow the following topics:
  • Introduction to leadership, methodology of giving feedback
  • Introduction to coaching and mentoring
  • Emotional inteligence
  • Decision making
  • Running a succesfull meeting
  • After action review
Training sessions will consist of:
  • Explanation of the topic and its applications, common mistakes etc.
  • Discussion of the topic
  • Working examples or case studies
  • Practice in small groups
  • Reading, listening or watching materials before or after the training session
  • Follow up after and during key events in the association
The leadership workshop is expected to have six modules of about 3h spread out over the span of two months. 
If you wish to participate, please contact our management. Note that the May-June training session is already overbooked.