Tag: female

Challenges and opportunities of social diversity: Who will be our students of tomorrow?
Analytics, Statistics
Social diversity decreases throughout secondary school, a phenomenon accentuated in the scientific specializations in high school. How does the transition to EPFL fare?

Drop out to reorient yourself: educational pathways after an early exit from EPFL
Analytics, Statistics
The number of drop-outs during their first year at EPFL has fallen in recent years. Eight years after starting their studies, 8% have stopped for good. What are the reasons for dropping out? What are the subsequent educational pathways?

Working Conditions of Academic Staff
Analytics, Statistics
Sound working conditions for young academics are essential for excellent research and teaching at universities. What are they at EPFL?

Diversity at EPFL
Analytics, Simulations, Statistics
Since 2019, EPFL has been offering at least 40% of vacant faculty positions to women. The evolution is slow: at the current rate, women will make up 30% of faculty members in 2027.