Mentoring for female Bachelor students

pilot project in MA & CG

The mentoring program for female students offers a privileged exchange between a Bachelor student in her first year and a Master or PhD student.

It is intended to be a resource for the mentee, helping her to progress in her role and achieve her goals.

For this pilot edition, the program is aimed at female students in mathematics and civil engineering. The number of mentees is limited to 15 per section.

You are a:

  • First year Bachelor student at EPFL in mathematics or civil engineering
  • Interested in sharing and learning from the experience of a Master or PhD student
  • Willing to invest time during the spring semester to participate in the kick-off and regular exchanges with the mentor (min. 2h/month)

Submit your application as a mentee.
The deadline for applications is January 31, 2023.

You are a:

  • EPFL Master or Doctoral student
  • Interested in sharing your experience and knowledge of the institution, and in supporting a 1st year bachelor student in mathematics or civil engineering through regular exchanges 
  • Willing to invest time during the spring semester to participate in a mentoring training (see important dates), kick-off and regular exchanges with the mentee (min. 2h/month)

Submit your application as a mentor.
Le délai de candidature est le 31 janvier 2023.

The deadline for the call is January 31, 2023
All mentees have to fill in an application form.
All mentors have to fill in an application form

For this first pilot edition, the number of mentees is limited to 15 per section;candidates will receive confirmation of their selection latest February 1st.

The assessment of acceptance will be based on the quality and completeness of your application, your motivation and expectations.

  1. Submission deadline, January 31, 2023
  2. CG Mentoring Kick-off: Thursday, February 23, 5:15-7:45 pm
  3. MA Mentoring Kick-off: Monday, February 27, 5:15-7:45 pm
  4. Training for mentors: Tuesday, February 28, 5:15-7:15 pm
  5. Closing of the program: early July, date to be determined.

It is a relationship between two people. You, a bachelor student mentee, and your mentor, a Master or Doctoral student.

In this mentoring program the mentor shares her experiences as an EPFL student with the mentee. The goal of a mentoring relationship is to empower and support the mentee in developing and in coping with upcoming studies steps.

La plupart des gens qui réussissent peuvent citer une ou plusieurs personnes qui ont été particulièrement importantes pour leur évolution personnelle et leur développement professionnel. Ces personnes sont des mentor·es.
