
Download Page of the Merten Lab

On this page we offer the download of CAD designs and software for microfluidic systems as used in our publications. The programs can be used free of charge for academic purposes, according to our academic license. Please note that this does not cover any commercial applications.

Commercial users are kindly asked to contact our Tech Transfer Office for terms and conditions on licenses for professional use.

Download ressources

A microfluidics platform for combinatorial drug screening on cancer biopsies (Eduati F*, Utharala R* et al., Nature Communications, 9(1): 2434, 2018)

A versatile low-cost multi-way microfluidic sorter for droplets, cells and embryos (Utharala R et al., Analytical Chemistry, 90(10): 5982-5988, 2018)

Single-Virus Droplet Microfluidics for High-Throughput Screening of Neutralizing Epitopes on HIV Particles (Chaipan C*, Pryszlak A* et al., Cell Chemical Biology, 24(6):751-757, 2017)

Microfluidic train station: Highly robust and multiplexable sorting of droplets on electric rails (Frenzel D. and Merten C.A., Lab on a Chip, 17(6):1024-1030, 2017)

Efficient cell pairing in droplets using dual-color sorting (Hu H. et al., Lab on a Chip, 15(20):3989-93, 2015)

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